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Predator in the Pews

Cora Smith

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Book Description

“Predator in the Pews” is the story of Cora’s three year journey of faith after being manipulated by a pseudo “Man of God” who robbed Cora of her dignity and money. After a twenty-year marriage that ended in divorce, Cora found herself alone, caring for three children, and searching for her life’s purpose and destiny. While on this journey, she met a man who, in the beginning, helped her to jump-start a total life change but, in the end, manipulated her into believing that he loved her, all the while being married to another woman. This cunning wolf in sheep’s clothing made false promises that he could not keep. Cora found out that he lied about every aspect of his personal life, including his age and number of children he bore by several women. So, he decided to leave town with no forwarding address or phone numbers, leaving Cora with lawsuits and debt beyond imaginable. This is Cora’s story of how she overcame and conquered this valley.

Book Review

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"This book was a excellent read. I had a very similar situation.. I wish I had read this book before it all happened. God always gives us signs we just don't listens or pay attention to it. Thank God for strong women. So proud of you for writing this book." - Lashanda Augustine

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