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  • 24 mini fresh mozzarella balls

  • 24 olives

  • 12 slices of salami folded in half

  • 12 slices prosciutto folded into a triangle

  • 24 small basil leaves

  • 24 cherry tomatoes

  • ½ cup pesto

  • 24 3 ' Bamboo skewers


  1. Skewer the antipasto ingredients beginning with the mozzarella ball, followed by the larger pieces like prosciutto or tomato.

  2. Continue adding ingredients onto skewers until the end of the skewer.

  3. Arrange skewers on a serving platter.

  4. Cover platter and chill in fridge until ready to serve. Can be made up to one day in advance.

  5. Right before serving, brush skewers with fresh pesto.

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